Rental vs Sales

When considering your communication options we understand for any organisation large or small the decision to rent or buy your stock will be affected by a number of factors.

See below an outline of some important considerations when making this decision.

Multicom is available should you have any questions regarding setup of your communications system


Motorola Img

Renting your Two ways Radios through Multicom


  • Conserve Capital – Rental expenses can be paid on a monthly or quarterly basis as compared to a large upfront purchase cost
  • 100% tax deductible Vs Depreciation over a period for purchases. Rental requires minimal bookkeeping.
  • Stress free replacements – Faulty equipment swapped out at no cost and no downtime.
  • Budget – Simple allocation of costs for budgeting.
  • Eliminates unknown costs of general maintenance required for equipment. We will provide you with a replacement radio immediately while repairing a fault in another, minimizing downtime and making the workplace a safer, more efficient environment to operate.
  • Flexibility -The number of radios can be varied on a daily, weekly or monthly basis. Accessories can be changed or replaced to suit various uses and users.
  • Genuine 24/7 support – simply call us night or day and we are available to help.
  • Top quality equipment will always be onsite Equipment will deteriorate month by month and will take up valuable time, personnel and money organizing repairs and replacements.
  • No waste – At the end of project your company doesn’t have a large quantity of unwanted worn out equipment
  • ACMA frequencies included Exclusive use of Multicom frequencies


Rent Now
Motorola Img

 Buying your Two ways Radios through Multicom


  • Ownership of Equipment After initial outlay, the equipment is yours
  • Valuable Asset which could be useful if you need a loan or wish to sell your business
  • Potential income stream You may be able to rent the equipment out when you’re not using it
  • Tax write off& depreciation You can write off the purchase and depreciation costs
  • Multicom support After sales service and support for technical and warranty


  • Initial purchase Expenses Expensive outlay and setup costs
  • Capital required You may need financing, which will involve time-consuming paperwork and paying interest
  • Costly to replace with new technology It’s hard to upgrade without significant costs
  • Downtime while repairs are performed You are responsible for repairs and maintenance and your stock will not be in use while being repaired.
  • Yearly licensing costs and setup fees You are responsible for ACMA licence fees and setup
  • Training or outsourcing programming equipment Programming will need to be outsourced or you will need to train staff to perform these tasks.


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